Sunday, August 15, 2010

8/2/10 - 8/15/10 Yellowstone, Grand Tetons

PICS: Grand Prismatic in Yellowstone, on the Porcelain Basin loop at Yellowstone, Grand Tetons reflections, Jenny Lake, Jackson Lake (where I swam)

We got to Yellowstone and were delighted to find that our campsite was not only right near two bathrooms, but also very close to the Madison River. The closest section of river to our campsite was also a small hot spring and thus felt like a hot tub! The kids a the campsite next to ours informed us of this - it was very exciting! That night we set up camp and went to a 9 pm ranger talk at the amphitheater. He talked about the different wildlife that Yellowstone contains. There are SO many different animals! I thought it was quite interesting. After that we all went to bed.

The next morning we drove the loop around the park. We saw bison grazing, hot springs galore, a beautiful waterfall cascading into a colorful canyon, and a black bear (out the window in the woods while we were in the car waiting for Enrique to get back from an overlook point). Of course, we saw Old Faithful as well, though I have to say, the weather that day was horrid! The high was in the 40s and it rained almost the entire day. Apparently 2/3 of the world’s hot springs are located in Yellowstone.

When we made it back to the campsite that night I ran down to the hot springs and took a little “bath.” There was a French family in there as well (there were many French people throughout the park actually). It felt so good to be warm! That night was a cold and rather damp one inside the tent, but for the most part it proved waterproof which was a godsend.

The next morning we got up at 7:30 am and packed up but we didn’t get out until 9:30. A park ranger had told us to go to “ferry falls” in order to see excellent views of the Grand Prismatic hot springs. We wanted to get an early start so we would make it to the Grand Tetons in time to obtain a campsite (sometimes they fill up fast, as we learned with Glacier Nat’l Park). Well, we walked to the Ferry Falls path, saw a big waterfall, and not much else. After getting lost and getting separated from each other (Theresa and I were together, the other two together), T and I ended up walking about 6 miles before returning to the car more than two hours later. We then drove to a different area where you could walk across the Grand Prismatic, if not see it from above. After that we drove to the Tetons. Luckily, we got a campsite at Colter Bay that was lovely. It has woods around it, a nice path to the lake, and bathrooms not too far away.

After setting up camp, Theresa and I walked around the lakeshore trail, while Carmen and Enrique walked around the road through the visitor center and store area. We were all stunned by the magnificent beauty of this place. WOW. After walking a good bit, T and I decided to swim in the glacier water of Jackson Lake (even though it was only about 65 degrees out). However, it felt great to get another “natural bath” and though the water was cold, it felt good after swimming a bit. We lied on the shore until the sun went behind the mountains, then we went back to the campsite to change. Carmen and Enrique had returned and we all went to the grocery store in the village area to pick up a few necessities and some fire wood.

I made my first fire! And, I got it started almost right away. I was very happy about that. Carmen and I had gotten hot dogs and we roasted them over the fire and it was so nice to have a hot meal!!

Today we drove all around the Tetons taking in breathtaking views. At Jenny Lake I rode the ferry across the water to some trails which led to beautiful waterfalls. The other three went canoeing. We also saw a bald eagle flying, which was very exciting (esp. for Enrique). Now we are taking advantage of the lodge’s internet. Tonight we’ll make another fire, eat more hot dogs, and set out tomorrow for the Wind Caves National Park.

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