Sunday, August 8, 2010

Seattle and Arrival in Vancouver

PICTURES: 1 & 2) at Gasworks in Seattle, 3) the girls with a Univ. of Washington fountain, 4) Pike Place Market, 5) Casey (male friend of Matt), Matt, Teresa, Theresa, Carmen, Enrique on the art installation

From Port Angeles we drove the rest of the way to Seattle and took a ferry across which offered beautiful views. Then we drove to our CS hosts’ house which was in the Univ. of Washington’s general vicinity. There were 8 of them living in the house which was pretty large and the girl who was actually hosting us was named Teresa and was a friend of Matt’s in McKinleyville. She was very nice.

That evening we drove to the art district because it was the first Thursday of the month which is when they have an art crawl and all of the Pioneer Square art lofts open up for public viewing. It was pretty cool and there were a lot of…interesting people there. There was one room that contained four naked people and with paint jars all around them and brushes so people could paint them. No, I did not participate.

From there we drove up to Capitol Hill where there was a park with an art installation made by a friend of Matt’s (one of the roomies of Teresa). We sat atop the art installation and chatted until midnight, then drove back and slept. The next day Teresa came with us to Pike Place Market which is this huge outdoor market like in London or Barcelona where they sell anything you can think of - fish, spices, pasta, pastries, etc. It was really cool and I wished so much that Charlotte had something like that. From there we took a bus to the U district and went shopping in a few second hand stores where I got steals on a J Crew skirt, an Anne Taylor skirt, and a Lilly Pulitzer dress. Then we walked through the actual University (which was pretty, but not as pretty as Chapel Hill) and then back home.

Then Carmen, Enrique, Theresa and I drove to Gasworks which is a park on the water that has an amazing view of downtown Seattle and the space needle and everything. It was a beautiful evening and we stayed there for about 1.5 hrs until Casey called and told me she was home from work. The rest of them wanted to stay longer at the park so they said they’d walk back and I drove back to Teresa’s to get my stuff and drive to Casey’s to spend the night there. (Casey was my roomie for 2 years in college and I haven’t seen here in about two years). I drove the 10 minutes to Bellevue where she lives and we had a little reunion which was very exciting. We talked until after 12 and the next morning got up and ready to go pick up Theresa who wanted to come with us to Mt. Rainer for the day.

It turned out to be a rather gross day - drizzly and gray - but we were hoping it would have cleared up by the time we made it to the mountain. It did clear up some, but it took a long time to get there - like three hours - and then once in the park we had to drive up to Paradise which is supposed to have the prettiest views. However, by the time we made it up there, it was foggy and rainy again and when we got out to hike around for about 30 minutes we got rained on the whole time, which was lovely. Lol Casey, being oh-so-outdoorsy was thrilled with the steep incline on wet pavement and even more excited by the steep decline in which I had to hold her hand the whole time. However, all the driving time gave us good time to talk, but I felt a bit bad for Theresa who was no doubt very bored by our discussions of Dawson’s Creek and Brothers and Sisters. We dropped Theresa back off at Teresa’s house (confusing, I know) as they were all making a big vegan dinner that night. Casey and I went to meet her friends Amelia, Alyssa and Alyssa’s boyfriend for dinner at a pizza place in Bellevue. It was kind of awkward because Alyssa was mad at Casey for not coming to the comedy show that night that they were all going to because I was in town and even though she’d bought the ticket for Casey without even telling her that she was going to buy it for her, she still made Casey pay for it. Which was pretty mean because Casey is making no money this summer since her internship is not paid and this girl works. Anyway, we left there and Casey was rather upset so we got ice cream at the grocery and came home and watched The Secret Life of Bees.

This morning I left there, picked up the others at Teresa’s house at 10:30, and we drove to Vancouver. Immigration was a bit slow, but we made it to Stanley Park by 2:30. We walked around a lot of the park, saw totem poles, a lighthouse, the harbor, the cityscape etc. Then we made our way toward the city proper and found donier kababs for dinner and gelato for dessert. We drove to our CS host’s house around 6 pm. His name is Pat, and his roommates are Sara from Asheville, NC and his brother Kevin. They are all very nice and we’ve been sitting around for hours just talking about old movies and shows and other various topics while Carmen, Enrique, and Theresa went out into Vancouver to see if there is anything to actually do on a Sunday night here. MORE TO COME

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