Monday, July 12, 2010

7/2/10 On the Way to New Orleans

PICS: 1) me, Carmen, Enrique in Bellingrath Gardens, 2) on a bridge in the gardens, 3) the three girls on a (unbeknownst to us) oil-infested Biloxi

We left Tallahassee at about 8:45 am on Sunday morning and drove to Bellingrath Gardens in Theodore, Alabama. The gardens were really beautiful, though it was sooo hot. We were drenched in sweat in about 10 minutes. However, thanks to the extreme heat, we were literally the only ones walking around the gardens. It was neat walking down to the dock on the lake (or river?) and sitting with our feet in the water and laying in the shade almost like it was our own personal dock and mansion. ;) We saw some really huge and colorful grasshoppers, all sorts of pretty birds and flowers, and the architecture of the gardens (full of waterfalls and fountains).

When we got back to the giftshop building we had ice creams and then took the US-90 along the coast to New Orleans. We stopped on the way in Biloxi because it was the first beach we’d seen - but it struck us as strange that it was a Sunday and there were almost no people out there. We ran to the water’s edge and put our feet in, ran up and down the sand, and just enjoyed the day for a few minutes. It wasn’t until we were ready to leave that we saw what looked like black rocks and were actually soft - probably oil-soaked sand. As we kept driving toward New Orleans, we noticed people on the beach - in yellow work vests and gloves and trash bags, picking things up and putting them in the bags. So, guess it was good we didn’t actually swim in the water…hopefully our feet were not contaminated. I can’t imagine how Biloxi and other coastal towns must be suffering from this oil spill.

We arrived in New Orleans about 6 pm NO time (7 pm according to our bodies). More to come….

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